Wednesday, August 29, 2012


      I just want to, first off, apologize to my friend for not making this post about puppy unicorns and superheroes like I promised her I would. Sorry Taylor, that'll have to wait for next week, okay? (probably this weekend, actually, because I have a sever lack of life currently, and am filling it with random internet time, which is also why I've been getting WAY better at Galaga).
      So, humility. I was just turned down for a $1,000 scholarship that I was really hoping for, and it made me really unhappy, and kind of indignant towards those who were giving it out because, who the heck is better than yours truly? I am the greatest geek! I totally check Jonathan Coulton's website and plan out the paychecks of the job that I procrastinate getting in order to buy his merch and comic books (by the way, if you're into Marvel, check out Nova. It's fairly new, and fairly awesome)! However, this was a leadership scholarship, and the kid who won it spoke Russian and created his own comedy club, so I guess it goes to him (I speak Spanish by the way! It's a USEFUL language!). Bravo kid, bravo.
      However, I'm still pretty upset. I guess every time you get turned down for something in favor of someone else, it kind of sends home this message of, "You personally weren't good enough." I built up a past that I thought would have future value beyond the idea that I had a good time and learned a lot of cool things. I value my past a lot, so why don't wealthy benefactors? They could at least value my future! I mean, Pip in Great Expectations (a book that I was somewhere around 50 pages away from finishing..... Yeah)., was a puny lamewad who had never really done anything meaningful and had even helped a convict escape! However, his benefactress was crazy and wanted to see him suffer eternally and waste his life away, so I guess I don't want a whole lot of people who are interested in my future all that much. Also, I regret not having finished that. Also, sorry again Taylor, I know that you checked that book out for me from the library like three weeks ago, but you also got me Brisingr and I have to read another book a friend gave me over a month ago, so I may never get back to the Dickens! Sorrow!
      All of that is a sidetrack though, back to the main point. Well, I was sad and stuff, especially since (sorry again Taylor) I didn't get to even hang out with you before telling me that I never did anything as cool as make a comedy club. So, I came home all sad and stuffs and decided that I was all emotional and crap and that that was probably the best mindset to write a blog post in......... I'm not sure that it's the best logic, but oh well. Anyways, when I was looking at my reading list, I saw all of the blogs that I haven't looked at in months and one of the most recent ones was from a blog called Haley's Story. Haley is a girl who lived nearby, and was diagnosed with leukemia. I was on seminary council at my local high school and did things to be supportive while otherwise feeling really terrible for not really doing much to be supportive. In fact, I felt bad for how easy my life was comparatively. I've never had something that out of my control, nor anything that threatened my life so completely. Anyways, a lot had happened since I last checked in the Late Winter/Early Spring. Primary among them, Haley became cancer free! It amazed me! And made me super happy, if not guilty for whining about not receiving $1,000. Please visit the blog dedicated to her. It's amazing to see the progress of her trial over the course of more than a year. Seriously, click on the link and read a post or two. You're checking this out, so that means you've got to have like five minutes, so check out her story!!!
      Well, that's all for tonight! Stay tuned for our next episode: Puppy Unicorns and Superheroes! This episode I tried out one blogger technique (the one where you make plenty of jokes and get really sidetracked) that I enjoy and, as I'm joyfully willing to admit, stole violently and aggressively from this one girl's blog whose name escapes me. Next week, I'll try the one where I make a lot of crappy drawings and put them all into the post! Be ready!

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