Monday, October 1, 2012

Music 'N' Stuff

      So, I adore music. I don't know if you guys realized this, but it's pretty much awesome. I like it nerdy, smooth, in computers and cars, digitally and in records, and all fashions in which it exists. So, this is my list of current favorites across a few genres. Enjoy!

I Fight Dragons
      Of all the geek bands out there, I love these guys the most. Aside from making amazing music that combines chiptunes from NES video games with modern stuff, they also just have a really cool ethic and nice following. Here's what I mean: If you go to, you can not only download their full album "Kaboom!," but if you click on the Community link, it'll take you to the Advanced Guard in which fans of IFD can make their own pages, do band-promoting quests to earn points, earn rank advancements, and earn merch/songs that you can't buy anywhere. They also have an awesome E-mail list to which they send free songs and specials, which you also can't generally find for purchase. Also, the music video for their song, "Save World, Get Girl," was shown by Nintendo on the 3DS. Any band that's endorsed by Nintendo in any way wins. Epically.

Jonathan Coulton
      Notice anything about this guy? He's a nerd! Very astute. Anyways, he was a brilliant software engineer who graduated from Yale and is still involved in all of that business. His music writing career started with his podcast series titled "Thing A Week," in which he'd throw down a new song each week. His music has grown to be known and hailed amongst all of those who ascribe to the geek life. His song, "Still Alive," was the song played for the end credits of the popular and critically acclaimed video game "Portal." He writes about zombies, scientists, world domination, and awesomeness. Look him up. Go to Do it.
      At this point you may be asking yourself, ".......?" To which I would respond, "Why yes, yes that is a group of Mongolians and Chinese men wearing traditional Mongolian garb and wielding traditional Mongolian instruments." Don't let their traditional appearance or their traditional first album fool you though, they fuse the old ways of Mongolia with modern Chinese punk music to make awesomeness happen. Don't believe me? Well, there aren't any good websites for them. They have a myspace page and other stuff, but none of it really delivers Hanggai to an audience the way listening to their albums does. I found them at my local library, so you can check there, or run to youtube and try to find a not crappy recording of their music. But, I would highly recommend this band to everyone, and not in a lame "Let's All Expand Ourselves And Acquire A Taste," kind of way, but in a genuine, good music kind of way. So, check them out.
      That's it again! Please check these guys out, and if not, feel free to post some of your own favorite music here on the blog! If you do like what you hear here, tell your friends! Beauty and music and all of that jazz (or classical, whichever you prefer) are meant to be shared!